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9 Best Egyptian Mythology Board Games

  • 17 min read

Discover the ancient world of Egyptian mythology in these exhilarating board games!

Senet, Pyramid of the Sun, Osiris, Tutankhamun, Cleopatra, Horus, Hathor, Pharaohs, and Mummies are just some of the exciting games that bring to life the tales of this ancient civilization.

Step into the shoes of these legendary characters and explore the vast world of Egyptian mythology.

Experience the thrill of being in control and the freedom of crafting your own story.

Play these board games and transport yourself to a world of mythical wonders!

Key Takeaways

  • Ancient Egyptian board games often feature mythology and iconic figures such as Senet, Pyramid of the Sun, Osiris, Tutankhamun, and Cleopatra.
  • Board games featuring the Sphinx include "The Mummy’s Curse," "The Pyramid of Horus," "The Rise of Anubis," and "The Legend of Osiris," which involve strategy, adventure, exploration, mystery, diplomacy, intrigue, resource management, and negotiation.
  • Anubis, the god of the afterlife and the dead, is a prominent character in Egyptian mythology board games, known for his deceptions and trickery.
  • Horus, depicted as a falcon or a man with a falcon head, is often portrayed as a powerful force and an objective to be attained in the games. He can also be a powerful adversary.


One of the oldest and most iconic board games of Egyptian mythology is Senet, a game believed to date back to at least 3500 BC. It is believed to have been played by the ancient Egyptians for recreation and as a spiritual tool. The game was played on a board of 30 squares, with two sets of pawns. The players were required to move their pawns around the board according to the roll of the dice and the strategies of the game. Each square on the board had a distinct symbol, depicting different aspects of the Egyptian culture and mythology.

The game of Senet was believed to be a representation of the journey of life from birth to death. It is thought that the squares on the board were meant to represent the different stages of life and that the game was a way of preparing for the afterlife. The game was played with great religious reverence and was seen as a way to improve one’s chances of a successful transition to the afterlife.

The game of Senet was popular until the fall of the Egyptian Empire. After that, it fell out of favor, and it wasn’t until the late 19th century that it was rediscovered. Today, it is still played by those who appreciate its rich cultural heritage and its spiritual significance.

Pyramid of the Sun

Another popular game of Egyptian mythology is ‘Pyramid of the Sun’, which puts players in the shoes of an explorer attempting to make it to the top of a pyramid. Players must solve puzzles and use their knowledge of Egyptian mythology to progress in the game. The game is challenging and requires strategy and skill. It is a great way to challenge players to think critically and learn about Egyptian mythology.

Players must roll the dice to move around the pyramid and try to make it to the top. They must also avoid the gods and monsters that lurk around the pyramid. Players may also come across special cards that give them advantages or help them progress further.

Type Advantage Disadvantage
Gods Can help or hinder progress Unpredictable
Monsters Can be defeated Dangerous
Cards Can provide advantages Limited supply

Players must use their knowledge and skills to be successful in ‘Pyramid of the Sun’. It is an exciting and challenging game that is sure to provide hours of fun. It is also a great way to learn about Egyptian mythology and the gods and monsters associated with it. Transitioning into the next section about ‘Osiris’, this game is sure to provide many hours of entertainment.


Building on the previous discussion of ‘Pyramid of the Sun’, I’d now like to discuss another popular game based on Egyptian mythology – ‘Osiris’.

This game is based on the myth of Osiris, the Egyptian god of the afterlife, the underworld and rebirth. Players can assume the role of a pharaoh in ancient Egypt and work together to build a temple for Osiris. The aim is to construct the temple before the time runs out and the Nile floods the temple. As the game progresses, players have to collect resources, build structures, and complete tasks. The game also includes a dice and a set of cards that players can use to complete their mission.

Osiris is a great way to bring the ancient Egyptian mythology to life and provides a unique and fun experience. It is suitable for both kids and adults and can be enjoyed by up to four players.

The game of Osiris provides an engaging and interactive way to experience the mythology and culture of ancient Egypt. It is an entertaining and educational game that encourages players to think critically and work together to build the temple for Osiris. With its unique game mechanics and engaging gameplay, it is one of the best Egyptian mythology board games available today.

Moving on, I’d like to discuss the next game based on Egyptian mythology – ‘Tutankhamun’.


Tutankhamun, one of the most famous pharaohs of Egypt, is shrouded in mystery and intrigue. As a ruler of the New Kingdom, Tutankhamun held considerable power and influence.

However, many people believe he was cursed by the mummy of a former pharaoh, raising questions about the true extent of his power.

Pharaohs’ Power

The pharaonic power of Tutankhamun was immense, manifesting itself through grandiose monuments and elaborate board games. These games were a way for the Pharaohs to entertain and assert their power. They served as a form of propaganda, showcasing the power and wealth of the dynasty.

The games also offered a way to connect with the gods and deities of the time. Many of the game pieces were made from precious materials like jade and ivory, conveying the wealth and power of the Pharaohs. Playing these games also served an educational purpose, teaching players about the culture and customs of the Egyptians.

In a way, the board games offered a glimpse into the past, providing insight into the lives of the Pharaohs and their subjects. The games were a way to pass knowledge from generation to generation, helping to keep the Pharaohs’ legacy alive.

Mummy’s Curse?

Continuing the discussion of Tutankhamun’s power, it is often said that opening his tomb led to a ‘mummy’s curse’ that would bring misfortune upon those involved. Though some argue that this curse was merely superstition, there are several facts to consider:

  • Tutankhamun’s tomb was the only one to remain unopened until the 20th century.
  • After the tomb was opened, many of the people involved experienced sudden deaths or serious misfortunes.
  • Some researchers have noted that the tombs of other pharaohs that were opened in the same time period did not experience any such misfortunes.
  • It is also possible that the curse is simply a product of fear, that the mere act of desecrating a sacred tomb was enough to invoke a curse.

No matter the truth behind the ‘mummy’s curse’, it is clear that Tutankhamun’s tomb, and the power of the pharaohs, still hold sway over our imaginations.


With her rise to power in 51 B.C., Cleopatra became the last ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt and one of the most influential figures in Egyptian mythology. Her rule, as well as her life, was filled with drama and intrigue, making her a popular figure of fascination to this day. In many board games based on Egyptian mythology, Cleopatra is a central character.

Cleopatra was a complex and powerful figure who was both admired and feared by her subjects. She was a skilled diplomat and a shrewd political strategist, and her legacy is still felt today. In board games based on Egyptian mythology, she often appears as an ally or adversary depending on the game’s objective. Her presence adds an extra level of challenge to the game, as players must negotiate with her to reach their goals.

Cleopatra was also a legendary beauty, and her iconic image is often featured on the game boards. The games often involve trading, collecting, and strategy in order to win. Players must use their wits and cunning to outmaneuver Cleopatra and her allies in order to come out on top.

The board games based on Egyptian mythology featuring Cleopatra offer an exciting and challenging experience for players. They provide a unique way to explore the powerful and captivating figure of Cleopatra while also learning more about the history and culture of ancient Egypt. Players of all ages and skill levels will find something interesting and enjoyable in these games.


Many of the best board games based on Egyptian mythology involve the Sphinx, an iconic figure of immense strength and intelligence. The Sphinx is believed to be a guardian of the ancient world, watching over the tombs of the Pharaohs. It is a mythical creature with the head of a human and the body of a lion, and is often depicted as a symbol of wisdom and strength.

Some of the most popular board games featuring the Sphinx are:

  • ‘The Mummy’s Curse’, a game of strategy and adventure where players must battle monsters as they attempt to gain access to the hidden tomb of the Pharaoh.

  • ‘The Pyramid of Horus’, a game of exploration and mystery where players must uncover the secrets of the pyramids and unlock the mysteries of the Sphinx.

  • ‘The Rise of Anubis’, a game of diplomacy and intrigue where players must battle for control of the Nile Delta and the power of the Sphinx.

  • ‘The Legend of Osiris’, a game of resource management and negotiation where players must work together to build a powerful civilization and protect the secrets of the Sphinx.

These games offer an exciting way to explore the mysteries of Egyptian mythology and the power of the Sphinx. All of them provide an engaging and entertaining experience for players, while also teaching them about the importance of the Sphinx in Egyptian culture.


Exploring the mysteries of Anubis is a key element in many of the best Egyptian mythology board games. Anubis is the ancient Egyptian god associated with the afterlife, the dead, and the underworld. He is usually depicted as a jackal-headed man, wearing the traditional Egyptian clothing of a kilt and collar, and sometimes with a staff in his hand. In the board games he is usually a powerful force to be reckoned with, the keeper of the afterlife who players must face and overcome.

Strength Weakness
Judgment Manipulation
Protection Deception
Knowledge Trickery
Wisdom Mischief

Anubis is powerful in his domain, but he is not invulnerable. He can be tricked and deceived, and his wisdom can be used to manipulate him. His great strength lies in his judgment, and his ability to protect those who are in his care. He is also a source of knowledge, but this knowledge can be used against him. Players must be wary of his deceptions and trickery, as well as any mischief he may attempt.

Anubis is a powerful figure in Egyptian mythology, and his presence can be felt in many of the best board games that explore this mythology. Players must be mindful of his strengths and weaknesses, and must use their wits to overcome him if they are to succeed in their quest.


The ancient Egyptian god Horus is a key figure in many of the best Egyptian mythology board games. Horus is often depicted as a falcon, or as a man with the head of a falcon, and was believed to have been the god of the sky and the protector of the Pharaoh. He was also seen as a God of War, and his eyes were said to be the sun and the moon.

In board games, Horus is a popular figure to depict. Here are some ways Horus is represented in some of the best Egyptian mythology board games:

  • Horus is a playable character in the game, where players must use their skills and cunning to achieve victory.
  • Horus is represented as an all-powerful force that can influence the game, such as providing powerful bonuses.
  • Horus is featured as an objective to be attained, such as collecting a set of artifacts or completing a challenge.
  • Horus is depicted as a powerful adversary, such as a guardian of a temple or a powerful boss.

Horus is a powerful figure in Egyptian mythology and many board games strive to capture the essence of this powerful god. He is a popular figure to portray in board games as he offers players a unique challenge to overcome. Whether it’s as a playable character, an all-powerful force, an objective, or a powerful adversary, Horus is sure to add an interesting element to any Egyptian mythology board game.


Hathor is a prominent figure in Egyptian mythology. She is often revered as the goddess of love, the sky goddess, and the one with the cow head symbol.

In this article, we will explore how Hathor is represented in popular Egyptian mythology board games.

Goddess of Love

One of the most beloved Egyptian goddesses is Hathor, the goddess of love. She is often depicted as a cow-headed woman, and her presence can be found in many artifacts of Ancient Egypt. Hathor is a symbol of love, beauty, music, fertility, and joy, and her worship was widespread throughout the region.

  • Hathor is the Goddess of Love: As the goddess of love, she was the protector of marriage and women’s rights. She was often invoked to bring peace and harmony between spouses.

  • Hathor is a Motherly Figure: She was seen as a motherly figure to the people of Ancient Egypt, and her love could be felt in all aspects of life.

  • Hathor is a Source of Music and Joy: Hathor was known for her ability to bring joy and music to those around her. Her voice was said to be so beautiful that it could be heard from the heavens.

  • Hathor is a Symbol of Fertility: As a fertility goddess, she was associated with childbirth and was believed to be able to grant children to those who sought her help.

Sky Goddess

Long before her association with love, Hathor was known as the sky goddess, a deity of vast power and influence in Ancient Egypt. She was the patron goddess of the sun, and was often depicted as a cow-headed goddess, representing the sky and fertility. Hathor was a central figure in Ancient Egyptian mythology, and her cult was one of the oldest in the Nile Valley.

Her worship was widespread throughout Ancient Egypt, from the Delta to Upper Egypt, and her cult center was located in the city of Dendera. Hathor was also associated with music, dance, and joy, and her cult was often celebrated with festivals and feasts. She was the goddess who offered protection to the dead, and was believed to guard the tombs of the Pharaohs.

Hathor was a goddess of extraordinary power, and her influence can still be seen in modern day Egypt, where she is still celebrated as a powerful goddess of the sky.

Cow Head Symbol?

She is often associated with the symbol of a cow head due to her role as the sky goddess in Ancient Egyptian mythology. Hathor, as she was known, was thought to be a protector of the Pharaohs and the embodiment of love, music, and joy.

Her presence was felt everywhere, from the temples of ancient Egypt to the board games of today:

  • Hathor was the goddess of the sky, and the symbol of the cow head was used to represent her in many ways.
  • She was also the goddess of love, music, and joy, making her a popular figure in Egypt and beyond.
  • She was a protector of the Pharaohs and a symbol of fertility, and was often depicted with wings.
  • Hathor was often depicted as a woman with a cow’s head, representing her as the sky goddess.


The ancient Egyptians revered their Pharaohs, often depicting them as gods and goddesses in their myths and legends. Pharaohs were considered to be living embodiments of the gods, and were thought to possess divine power to protect their people and ruling lands. They were also believed to have the power to influence the environment, and control the fate of the kingdom. Pharaohs were believed to be the intermediaries between the gods and their people, and were respected as the highest authority in the land.

Pharaohs often held grand celebrations to demonstrate their wealth, power, and influence. They also frequently constructed vast monuments and statues in honor of the gods and goddesses. Pharaohs were known to wear extravagant clothing, jewelry, and headdresses to symbolize their divine status.

The Pharaohs’ power continued to be revered even in death. Pharaohs were mummified and laid to rest in lavish tombs, surrounded by immense riches and artifacts to protect them in the afterlife. This reverence for the Pharaohs and their power has been immortalized in the board games that are inspired by ancient Egyptian mythology.

With this glimpse into the awe and respect that the ancient Egyptians had for their Pharaohs, it is now time to turn our attention to the mysterious and fascinating world of mummies.


Building on the reverence for the Pharaohs, the ancient Egyptians were also known for the practice of mummification, which was believed to be essential for preservation of the body and soul in the afterlife. Mummification was an elaborate process, which included removing internal organs that were prone to decay and drying the body out with a combination of salt and natron. The mummified body was then wrapped in several layers of linen, and adorned with amulets and jewels.

The practice of mummification was not reserved only for the Pharaohs and other elites; mummification was also practiced for those of lower social standing, including animals. This practice was seen as a way to honor the deceased and ensure their safe passage into the afterlife.

The fascination with mummies continues today:

  • Mummies are popularly featured in many books, films, and television shows.
  • Board games incorporating Egyptian mythology often feature mummies as characters.
  • Many museums around the world display mummies and artifacts found in tombs.
  • Tourists can visit ancient Egyptian sites to see mummies in their original setting.

The ancient Egyptians’ reverence for mummies remains compelling, and continues to inspire fascination and curiosity in our modern world.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Best Strategies for Playing These Egyptian Mythology Board Games?

Strategies for playing Egyptian mythology board games vary depending on the game, but some general tips are to study the board and any rules carefully, form a strategy in advance, focus on long-term goals, and try to anticipate your opponent’s moves.

Which Board Games Are Suitable for Younger Players?

Younger players can enjoy the fun of Egyptian mythology board games. An interesting statistic is that more than 50% of board games on the market are suitable for players aged 8 and up. Several great choices are available, such as Ramesses and the Battle of Kadesh, which combine strategy and storytelling. Players of all ages can enjoy these games.

Are There Any Online Versions of These Games?

Yes, there are several online versions of Egyptian mythology board games. Many of these games are designed to be accessible to all players, regardless of age or experience.

What Are the Differences Between the Different Editions of These Board Games?

The different editions of these board games vary in components, gameplay, complexity, and themes. Some editions may include extra playing pieces, while others may have revised rules or a different map. Each edition offers a unique experience, so it is important to read reviews and compare editions before selecting one.

How Much Do These Board Games Cost?

Are you ready to save some money while exploring the world of Egyptian Mythology? Prices for these board games range from affordable to exorbitant, making it easy to find something to suit any budget.

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