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Discover the 10 best Norse mythology movies

  • 18 min read

Satire is an effective way to evoke emotion in an audience, and the movies based on Norse mythology provide plenty of opportunities for it. From the gods of Asgard to the dangerous creatures of Pitch Black, Norse mythology movies have been thrilling audiences for years. In this article, we’ll explore the best Norse mythology films… 

Battle of the Gods: Greek Vs Egyptian – Unveiling the Mysteries

  • 12 min read

In the world of ancient mythologies, the clash between the Greek and Egyptian gods has always been a source of fascination. The Greek pantheon, led by Zeus and his humanoid deities, and the Egyptian pantheon, led by the enigmatic Amun and his animalistic gods, present a captivating tapestry of similarities and differences. This article aims… 

9 Best Egyptian Mythology Board Games

  • 17 min read

Discover the ancient world of Egyptian mythology in these exhilarating board games! Senet, Pyramid of the Sun, Osiris, Tutankhamun, Cleopatra, Horus, Hathor, Pharaohs, and Mummies are just some of the exciting games that bring to life the tales of this ancient civilization. Step into the shoes of these legendary characters and explore the vast world… 

Prometheus, the Titan God of Fire

  • 19 min read

In the modern age, the story of Prometheus has become a timeless symbol of rebellion and freedom. This ancient Titan from Greek mythology is renowned for his gift of fire to man, and the resulting punishment by Zeus. We will explore the symbolism of Prometheus, his gifts to humans, the themes in literature, and his… 

Egyptian Gods Family Tree: Who is Who?

  • 13 min read

Have you ever wondered how the Egyptian gods were connected? From major gods like Osiris and Isis, to minor gods like Horus and Nephthys, the ancient Egyptians believed in a complex family tree of gods. This article will explore the intricate family tree of the Egyptian gods and their roles in ancient religion. Key Takeaways… 

The 12 Most Important Hawaiian Gods and Goddesses

  • 18 min read

Did you know that Hawaiian mythology includes more than 4,000 gods and goddesses? This large and complex pantheon of deities has been a source of fascination for many cultures throughout the years. In this article, we’ll explore the origins, family trees, creation stories, roles and functions, symbols and representations, arts and literature, festivals and celebrations,… 

Amaterasu, The Japanese Sun Goddess

  • 16 min read

An awe-inspiring figure, Amaterasu is one of the most powerful and influential gods in Japanese mythology and culture. Regarded as the goddess of the sun and the ancestor of the imperial family, her influence has been felt throughout history. This article will explore the origin, symbols, powers, and legacy of this remarkable deity, and how…